Writing Reflections – Málorvat

I’ve resurrected a writing project from my grad school days, called Málorvat, Or the Kiri Gilgamesh,” which is a retelling of Gilgamesh as a foundational story of the Kiri culture in my sci-fi Continuation universe. I am discovering that it is really hard to write action scenes that…

a) use science fiction settings and tech
b) while largely discussing things in metaphorical/mythic terms
c) in lines of nine syllables
d) with six lines per stanza
e) and reasonable use of phonetic devices (alliteration, etc.)

I mean, try to describe tazing (tasing?) someone within those constraints without sounding stupid! Actually, I’m having fun with it, though it is slow going. It feels more like solving a puzzle than doing actual creative writing. 🙂

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About the author

Arwen Spicer
Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer is a science fiction writer and writing teacher raised in the San Fransciso Bay Area, and Northern California will hold her heart forever, even if it turns into a desert. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on ecology in utopian science fiction and is an educator on the concept of workable utopias. Her novel The Hour before Morning was hailed as “A carefully paced, rewarding sci-fi debut” by Kirkus Indie.

Arwen Spicer By Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer is a science fiction writer and writing teacher raised in the San Fransciso Bay Area, and Northern California will hold her heart forever, even if it turns into a desert. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on ecology in utopian science fiction and is an educator on the concept of workable utopias. Her novel The Hour before Morning was hailed as “A carefully paced, rewarding sci-fi debut” by Kirkus Indie.

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