Picard Season 3 Rant

Warnings: Spoilers and ranting

For the record: Much of this season of Picard S3 is good so far. I’m not going to discuss those things here or only tangentially.

Disclaimer: The following is a rant. I don’t mean any of it to personally attack anyone involved in ST: Picard. Writing and producing TV is incredibly hard. The pressures are many. I wouldn’t want to be in their place. I’m just talking about the product, not the process, intent, or underlying talent of the creators. Fundamentally, my critiques are aimed at our cultural assumptions, which are bigger than any one person.Read more… )

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About the author

Arwen Spicer
Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer is a science fiction writer and writing teacher raised in the San Fransciso Bay Area, and Northern California will hold her heart forever, even if it turns into a desert. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on ecology in utopian science fiction and is an educator on the concept of workable utopias. Her novel The Hour before Morning was hailed as “A carefully paced, rewarding sci-fi debut” by Kirkus Indie.

Arwen Spicer By Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer is a science fiction writer and writing teacher raised in the San Fransciso Bay Area, and Northern California will hold her heart forever, even if it turns into a desert. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on ecology in utopian science fiction and is an educator on the concept of workable utopias. Her novel The Hour before Morning was hailed as “A carefully paced, rewarding sci-fi debut” by Kirkus Indie.

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