Cool, Contemplative Animation + Rec’s?

Sometimes YouTube’s algorithm presents me with something lovely, like this “contemplative animation” by Mani (criminally underwatched and underliked):

Along these lines, I’m seeking rec’s for movies/series that are basically escapism from this world. I need a break.

Looking for stuff that doesn’t feel super engaged (directly) with our major current global/cultural conversations or set in modern times: i.e. not set in the past 100 years or so, in our world or an alternate history/ secondary/ parallel/ near future world that mostly feels like ours culturally. Shorts are cool, but I’d love to find something movie length I could just relax to. (The sweet spot would be “like” Angel’s Egg.)

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About the author

Arwen Spicer
Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer is a science fiction writer and writing teacher raised in the San Fransciso Bay Area, and Northern California will hold her heart forever, even if it turns into a desert. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on ecology in utopian science fiction and is an educator on the concept of workable utopias. Her novel The Hour before Morning was hailed as “A carefully paced, rewarding sci-fi debut” by Kirkus Indie.

Arwen Spicer By Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer

Arwen Spicer is a science fiction writer and writing teacher raised in the San Fransciso Bay Area, and Northern California will hold her heart forever, even if it turns into a desert. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on ecology in utopian science fiction and is an educator on the concept of workable utopias. Her novel The Hour before Morning was hailed as “A carefully paced, rewarding sci-fi debut” by Kirkus Indie.

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